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OCTOBER 2014  -  Fall has begun!
Coming Up This Month...

By the end of October, most FastDirect schools will be wrapping up the grading period for 1st quarter.  Here are some FastDirect functions that may need to be addressed:

  • Closing input for 1st mid-quarter reports
  • Opening up teacher input for 1st quarter ReportCards
  • Closing 1st quarter ReportCards when teachers have finished importing grades

If your school started in late August or early September, then you may be gearing up for mid-quarter reports.  Click here to read about the two different ways to create progress reports.

Review Your ReportCards! One very important step in creating report cards is to make sure everything has been set up correctly.  This requires looking over a sample report card to double check:

  • Course names
  • Subcategories
  • Grade scales/marking codes
  • Formatting
  • Printing
For Trimester Schools...

In October, your school may be gearing up for mid-trimester reports. Click here to read the FAQ explaining the two different methods for mid-term reports. If you school is using the import process, then here are the functions that will need to be addressed:

  • Confirming the 1st mid-trimester dates in 'Grades' then 'ReportCard Input Controls'
  • Changing input for mid-trimester from 'Not Yet' to 'Allow Input' in 'ReportCard Input Controls'
  • Having teachers go through the mid-trimester ReportCard input process
  • Closing the input process by changing 'allow input' to 'input complete'
What's New...
We have created a new grade book printout report - One Line Per Event, Grade Only (No Averages).  This grade book printout will give a list of the events for each course and the grade for each event but will not include any final averaging.



...For Administrators

While Bulletin Boards are an effective tool for keeping the school community connected, they may not be necessary for everyone. For the staff accounts that do not need BulletinBoards, administrators have the option to hide these accounts from displaying in the list of staff in Planner. 


...For Teachers

When a student is marked absent and then arrives tardy, the homeroom teacher is allowed to change that student to tardy and set the number if minutes that the student arrived tardy.

...For Parents

Don't want to log in to read your FDmail messages? With Email Forwarding, you can receive all FDmail messages directly to your email!


Video Tutorial of the Month

Carrying over from last month's video tutorial, we have more Monitor help for those unusual attendance situations. Watch this video tutorial to learn more about the ADVANCED Monitor functions.

Watch now - MP4 format or YouTube
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