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NOVEMBER 2013  -  Holiday Season Begins!
Coming Up This Month...

November typically involves completing the 1st quarter ReportCards and gearing up for mid-quarter reports for 2nd quarter. Here are some FastDirect functions that may need to be addressed:

  • Closing input for 1st mid-quarter reports
  • Opening up teacher input for 1st quarter ReportCards
  • Closing 1st quarter ReportCards when teachers have finished importing grades

If your school is printing report cards, keep in mind that you can allow your parents to view them online. This option will save your school time, money and the environment. If a parent signature is needed to verify that they have seen the report cards, then you can create a WildCard field where parents can enter in their initials and the date electronically, letting you know they have viewed the report card.

During ReportCard time, you may discover some changes that will need to be made to the format, layout or to the courses themselves. These ReportCard changes can take up to a week to process so make sure to plan accordingly.

For Trimester Schools...

As the end of the trimester approaches, your teachers will need to go through the ReportCard input process. This means an administrator will allow input, the teachers will enter grades into the ReportCards and then the administrator will close input. From there, you can either print the ReportCards or permission them to be viewed by parents online.  Opening up teacher input for 1st Trimester ReportCards will require:

  • Changing input for 1st mid-trimester from 'Allow Input' to 'Input Complete' in 'ReportCard Input Controls'
  • Changing input for 1st trimester ReportCards from 'Not Yet' to 'Allow Input' in 'ReportCard Input Controls'
  • Having teachers go through the 1st trimester ReportCard input process
  • Closing the input process by changing 'allow input' to 'input complete'
What's New...

The Email Forwarding communication tool was designed for any FDmail messages sent by the school to also be forwarded to the recipient's email. This same functionality now applies to messages sent by parents or students. Teachers and staff can now opt in to have the FDmail messages that are sent to them by parents automatically forwarded to their email.


...For Administrators

Are you a new administrator at the school or do you feel that you could benefit from some additional training? If you are interested in receiving new or additional training, let HelpDesk know and we will schedule a time for a phone training session. 


...For Teachers

Did you know that the events you create in your GradeBook are automatically fed to a student's assignment calendar?  If you create your events before they occur, your students and parents can be better informed and prepared.


...For Parents

Don't want to log in to read your FDmail messages? With Email Forwarding, you can receive all FDmail messages directly to your email!

Video Tutorial of the Month

Note: We are trying to convert all of our Video Tutorials to an MP4 format. This will allow users who can't access YouTube to still be able to watch and learn!

Is your school skilled in the High 5’s? 
This video will
explain the 5
main functions
in FastDirect
that each school
should be practicing to achieve the greatest success in managing your school. 

Watch now...

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